The standard norm of handling parents who are behind in child support payments is to put them in jail or to garnish their wages. Now, welfare officials in another state are expected to use over $600,000 that have been received in grants to launch a program called Child Support Savings Initiative. A program such as this could potentially help both custodial and non-custodial Colorado parents, and benefit children in the long-run.
The program is designed to help parents to pay down child support obligations. It also entices parents who are delinquent on payments to disburse funds into savings accounts for their children’s future education expenses. Parents who contribute to the education fund will receive $2 off their debt obligation for every dollar contributed.
Due to these specific grants, the state of Kansas will be able to further advertise the program and also pay to offset the remaining balances owed. The grant has been awarded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and gives a win-win opportunity for both parents. According to DCF representatives, children who have savings for college are more likely to graduate over those who do not have savings accounts.
Although the Child Support Savings Initiative originated in Kansas, there could be similar programs that are available more locally. Financial dilemmas can cause an overwhelming number of non-custodial parents to become delinquent on child support payments, which leaves the custodial parents and children to suffer. Non-custodial Colorado parents who are behind on child support may be able to file child support modifications and explore community programs that can offset their arrears.
Source:, "Kansas gets grants to match child support funds for college savings", , July 24, 2014