It's generally conceded that divorce negatively impacts the children involved. Most Colorado parents who are confronting divorce proceedings may wonder what impact the process will have on their own children and question what they can do to minimize any of the possible detrimental effects often associated with such a drastic change in circumstances. Many are left questioning if the way they approach not only divorce, but post divorce issues, would really make a difference in the lives of their children. These concerns often lead parents to look for more amicable ways of resolving divorce issues -- such as utilizing alternative dispute resolution alternatives, like mediation or a collaborative divorce.
In a recent news article, a number of children whose parents got divorced offered their viewpoints concerning how divorce affected them. The responses suggest that the children involved took on more responsibilities at home but also acted out in school. One child stated continued to feel mounting pressure at home as their newly single parent struggled to make ends meet. Another individual felt a sense of relief by not having to be around parents who fought all the time.
Divorce affects every child differently. Some may struggle and rebel, while others will thrive. How parents react to the stress of divorce and post divorce life can greatly affect how their children will handle their new familial situation.
Colorado parents have a variety of legal options available to help them resolve issues in their divorce in a way that helps minimize the stress and frustration. Utilizing these alternative solutions can help open the door to positive communication and allow parents the ability to work together for the best interests of their children. While staying positive through this process isn't always easy, it will not go unnoticed and can help children feel at ease and have an easier time adapting to their new situation.
Source: The Huffington Post, "7 Ways Divorce Affects Kids, According To The Kids Themselves", Brittany Wong, Aug. 28, 2014