Ups and downs throughout the course of a marriage are completely normal, and are part of the experience of sharing a life with another human being. However, there are some marital issues that are far more troubling, and which take on a pervasive nature over the course of time. Colorado couples who are going through a rough patch in their marriage should take the time to examine the state of their relationship, and evaluate whether their difficulties are indicative of a more serious problem. In some cases, spouses who are deeply unhappy are best served by pursuing a divorce.
Types of Marital troubles
One sign of serious marital trouble is excessive fighting. All couples will argue from time to time, and having occasional disagreements is simply par for the course in a long term relationship. However, when fighting becomes the primary type of interaction between partners, the relationship is no longer serving its primary function, which is an enduring and fulfilling bond between two individuals.
Another sign of marital distress involves the amount of time a spouse spends thinking about leaving the marriage. Fleeting thoughts about what life would be as a single person may be normal. However, spending a great deal of time focused on ending the marriage signifies that you have already mentally given up on the relationship, and are taking the steps to psychologically prepare to leave.
Marriage counseling
For Colorado couples who are concerned about the state of their marriage, counseling may help clarify the matter. Counseling as a couple is often helpful, but in many cases spouses find a deeper level of clarity by going to a therapist on their own to work through how they feel about the relationship and whether the union is meeting their needs. If divorce is the ultimate result, having an established relationship with a therapist can be a significant comfort as an individual moves through the stages of a divorce and beyond.